The Friday Five: Second Edition

Five Questions answered by a mom somewhere in our great country about her sex life.

This week’s contributor Z, says this about herself:

I am a 39 year-old mom of a 1st grader, have been married for 10 years, work full-time outside the home and am currently relaxed after a great summer (we’ll see how long this lasts).

What’s the best thing about your sex life now?

I’m having more sex than I have in the last 6 years.  OK, part of this is due to the fact that we’ve been trying to get pregnant, so there are no annoying condoms to deal with and it’s really revived our motivation.  My husband and I are talking more openly about our sex life and our wants and needs, which is refreshing and liberating.  It also makes me feel closer to him to share these intimate thoughts, so it’s good for our marriage.

How would you compare your sex life before kids with after kids?

Before: fine
After: improving…at the moment GOOD!

Oh, and good lube is key. I really like Please lubricant by Good Vibrations.

What is the most important thing to you about your sexuality?

Hmmm.  Not sure… empowerment? monogamous fulfillment? The knowledge that there are ups and downs in my sex life, just like every other part of my life.  It can always get better.

What does being a sexual mama mean to you?

It means striving for a healthy balance of time, energy, giving and getting in my home life and family relationships. It means sometimes struggling for alone-time with my husband, even when it would be easier not to. This is a lot to achieve for me sometimes, but I’m learning to make this a priority. Now, if I could only get him to call a babysitter and set up a date on his own!

Anything fun or exciting in your sex life you want to share?  (I live vicariously.)

For the first time in my life, I own a vibrator and I LOVE IT!  It’s the best investment I’ve made in ME in awhile.  Whether I use it alone or with my husband, it spices things up.  I highly recommend exploring this option if you haven’t.  Check out the Hitachi Magic Wand Massager.  It is amazing!


Thank you so much Z for participating in this week’s Friday Five!

Readers, what questions would you like to see in the Friday Five?  Post them as comments and you might see them in next week’s edition.

 Are YOU interested in participating?  Shoot me an email at

And don’t forget to send an email to to enter the Sex Lives of Moms Bedroom Chemist Sex Kit Giveaway–you won’t want to miss your chance to get a fabulous, free, sexy kit to spice up your sex life.